Wednesday, November 26, 2008


At times I'm lost and confused.
Lost in this world.
Feeling stuck in this world.
Confused of my purpose here.
I'm I truly lost and confused in this world.
Maybe it's just my mind that's lost and confused.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Going through our memories
is something that I always do
because that’s all you've left me
just memories of you.
Thinking about you just makes me smile
because you make my life worthwhile.
I wish with all my might that
one day you will be by my side
we will never be apart
we'll be together forever and always.
But now I must face the fact
that you are gone but in my heart
you’re still my only one.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Necessities in a Significant Other

I need someone to make me happy,
I need someone to make me laugh,
I need someone to care for me,
I need someone to understand me,
I need someone to always be by my side,
I need someone to hold me tight,
I need someone to love me
That sonmeone is you!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

We drove home at seventy with one head
but little George West did not let us by
without an angry notice
Days passed and passed
Until we were brave enough
to call little George West up
He said he was sorry
He could fix it for us
Said there'd be a price
- a small one
So I mailed a thank-you letter
and again days passed and passed
I waited and waited
but little George West never called us back

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Daughter's Life

Early Saturday mornings
Early bedtime nights,
So many things going on at times
It’s hard keeping everything right.

Ballet shoes in the car
Soccer shoes on the floor,
Crayons and markers in the bathroom
Wait a minute there’s more.

Toys scattered throughout the rooms
Clothes hanging on the door,
When does it all get cleaned up
Or will she play some more?

Although it is a challenge
You can’t help but just love it,
The things she says just make you laugh
Even though she may not know it.

This life would be so boring
Without her joys and laughter,
My world with her is complete
This is the life of a daughter.

You Know What?

You know what?
Sometimes you make me so happy that i really don't care about nothing
Sometimes you make me so sad that I regret meeting you
sometimes you brighten me up , but sometimes your the darkness in me
Sometimes you bring me the stars and the moon, but
Sometime you make sure that i know that I am here in this world
But you know what
Not sometimes, but all times I know that I love you
and your the reason why I'm happy in this big world

Monday, October 13, 2008


If only I had words to say
How you make me feel each day
If only I could make you feel
How nothing seems to be so real

It’s like I died and left my past behind
And through the blur, only memories defined.
Like how it rains when we’re apart
Yet when we kiss in it, you hold my heart

You captivate me by your touch,
Your face, your smile, your love, and such.
When I think of how I’d be without you
My heart starts swelling, as though on cue

As the radio’s on and songs are played
The lyrics run on, but in my heart they’ve stayed.
Like when I work, and smiles are bound,
They’re never as big as when you’re around.

Nothing just seems to be the same.
Now that you’re here, I have you to blame.
I hate you for being so close to me
‘Cuz now when you’re gone, you’re still all I see.

And everytime that we’ve broken up
I’ve always felt I could hold up.
But the truth is that when it becomes almost final
I actually really become quite frightful.

I can’t stand the thought of losing you
You’re what makes me feel so brand new.
…..That’s a common phrase that people say
But I really do mean it in every way.

…..I know my poetry can’t be considered art,
But I meant every word, with all of my heart.
…..and I love you so much, it’s just so hard to say;
And it’s hard to imagine I love you more everyday.