Saturday, October 11, 2008

Stupid Clowns

Laugh at me you stupid clown,
With your fake smile.
You tell me your happy stories,
When I know it's all a lie.

I can't believe I loved a clown.
So funny I thought you were.
You laughed and laughed
And put me in a trance.

I watched your act every day;
And I clapped and applauded
A standing ovation you got from me.

You ask me if I liked the show,
I lie just like you and say I did.
At first I thought a clown was the one for me,
But now that I see a clown is just not what I need.

You take your clown costume off.
Your work has been done.
I take your costume and put it on.

I'm the stupid clown,
Who laughs with a fake smile.
I tell you my happy stories,
and you know its all a lie.

You watch my act everyday,
And now applaud at me.
I think you know its time to leave,
Two clowns just can't be.